Sunday, December 18, 2005

Merry December 18th!

Hey! Well I'm glad to report that I am feeling a good deal better, and I am beginning to enjoy the festive season! Today was a day spent at Jeremy's place in Nishi Gifu (south Gifu), enjoying lunch, silly gifts and playing in the snow. Jeremy put a lot of effort into making a wonderful lunch, and everybody also brought along a plate. The food was plentiful and wonderful! Today it was the largest amount of snow I have seen and it was truly exciting (perhaps because I didn't have to go to work...) The following pictures are before and an hour or so after shots of the view from Jeremy's apartment.

We had some fun with snow fights, snowmen and just being crazy. I somehow ended up on the ground making a snow angel. My backside was really wet and cold after that!!!!

Here are some kids making a snowman. I seem to have something against snowmen. I tried to decapitate one with my fist, but I have ended up with a bruised hand... Snowmen: 1, Suzi: 0...

Jeremy somehow got me on to the ground. I think it is some kind of vengeance for me putting snow down his pants. While I was down there, I thought that I may as well try making a snow angel...

Jeremy actually started the snow angel thing. He thought the best place to do it was in a car park...

This was a battle of snowballs. I forget the name of the battle, but we had to stand there and throw snowballs across the river. You weren't allowed to dodge incoming snowballs. I threw like a girl. The balls never quite made it across...

The snow was so soft and it was tasty... Also, people felt inclined to shove snow in my face...

Here are a couple of photos of the pretty snow....

Inside was a different story. We all fought for the heater, and it sometimes had to be turned off because the power kept on turning off (Jeremy was using too much electricity whipping up a storm in the kitchen). Here's Megan the evil Christmas Heater Hog.

Kerry made a wonderful apple pie/pastry thing. But I was so full that I could barely eat anything!

Don't mess with the cooks! Lena and Jeremy are preparing yummy potato pancake thingoes... they were really yummy!

Sarah and David know the best way to keep warm!!!This is a pic of me on the way home from the station in Ogaki. Normally Ogaki is a piece of cement rubbish. It's really grey and mundane. But the snow brings some magic!!!

Last of all, I think it's best I show you that I have truly embraced the Christmas spirit! Here is my Christmas tree! It is half my height!

If I don't post next week, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas! I will be thinking of you! I am going to Kyoto for 2 nights on the 26th December, so I will make sure I have some nice photos to post!!!!




At 9:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We seemed to have similar weather to this here today. Brr.

- Mop

aka Jonathan

At 10:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Suzi
Great pictures. Good to see and hear that you are your old happy self again. Enjoy the adventure while you are still young and silly enough to lie down in the snow with a bare belly.
Love from Muff

At 3:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne,

Nice photographs! We also had snow this weekend, but not as much as you had. Hope for more snow with Christmas, cause we have rent a house in the middle of the woods to celebrate Christmas with 16 persons.Good to read that you are feeling better and hope you enjoy
the festive season.

Piet & Nel

At 6:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes me feel homesick (to Holland)- all this white stuff!

Great to see you're a happy girl again and having fun!!

And if you get cold - just smile - it warms the whole house!!

Lol (lots of Love).

At 8:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Suz,

good to see you are feeling better. Sorry for not posting anything, or really keeping in contact. Been REALLY busy at work. Damn work! Hopefully you are settling in a little better. Spoke to Melissa the other day. She's doing vac work at EY. Catching up with her this week. Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Keep warm.


At 7:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne, love the snow pics, glad you're having some festive fun with friends, they all seem to be as crazy as you (in the nicest possible way. love from Lyn and Ron

At 1:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Suzi,

Love the pics of the snow and glad to hear you had a nice feast to keep with the festive spirit. The snow has settled in here in Uppsala and yesterday it was -10 all day which wasn't very pleasent (hard to breath, frozen ears, frozen nose etc). But luckily its warm indoors. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and make the most of the silly season whilst you're over there. Take care and keep up the good work with your entertaining web blog (the story about the whole doctor experience was amazing!!)
Bye for now,


At 7:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Cousin Suzi,

The Council of Cousins Wishes you a Happy Christmas and a merry new year. The Council wishes to Know wether you have O/D on Chicken noodle soup? The council would like to state that the weather in Australia is too hot to handle.

Love n Kisses
The Council of cousins


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