Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hirata Fire Festival

On Saturday, a bunch of ALTs and I took a 40 minute bus ride out to the sticks to check out some sticks burning. Sounds interesting hey? Well to put it a different way, it was a fire festival in which participants dragged around masses of bamboo stacked into a mound and eventually set it on fire.

Festivals in Japan are fun. They always have the same kind of stalls. They sell fairy floss (cotton candy for you Americans), chocolate covered bananas, toffee strawberries (yummy!) and my favourite.... DONEL kebab!

Anyway, blogger is doing crappy things with the photos so I will try upload them tomorrow. To satisfy your hunger here is a video of some of the event. I would have taken more interesting footage but I ran out of batteries. Sorry if it makes the screen flicker. Meh. Oh yeah, it might take a couple of minutes to load so be patient!

Sunday, February 05, 2006



Well not much has happened over the last week. I was at home from work on Thursday and Friday because I was sick. Just had no energy and what I suspect was a cold. It was crap on Thursday because there were workmen on my balcony doing noisy stuff. I heard my sliding door open and freaked out. I never lock my balcony door because I'm on the third floor. So I went and locked everything up. The rest of Thursday was spent wishing I was at work because they were so noisy! Well I got better on Saturday, but I had nothing to do!

I spent most of Saturday cleaning my apartment and moving furniture. I moved everything from the spare bedroom to the lounge room. I'm pretty happy with how everything is laid out now. The spare bedroom is a redundant room now. It's just storage now I suppose...

The highlight of my weekend was ordering a pizza... yes, I'm sad! It was great! Seeing I have no other pictures from my eventless weekend, here's the pizza.... cost me $24 for a medium! No wonder they are so skinny here! They have to save money up for designer wallets and handbags!
Sunday was even more boring. Woke up at 9:30 and did jack all. Mostly played XBox. XBox rules. You should buy one! Also filled out some job applications. If you know a job I can do, pleeeeeease let me know!

So there you go, I have nothing else to report. Hopefully I'll have more next weekend! The chicken noodle soup came in real handy ;)