Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hello once again! Last night was a night of dress-ups. While most of the JETs in the area went off skiing, the rest of us crammed into silly costumes and showed off our creations at Shiloh's place. My Christmas tree is still up, so I thought I would go as a Christmas tree. But then I remembered I had a bright pink wig. I then decided to go as Super Pink Girl.....From left to right: Drinny (spelling?) dressed up as an evil doctor or something from NCIS, Ed as a Japanese elementary school student, I-forget-his-name as a mixed creation, and Ryan dressed as a disturbing cheerleader.
This is fellow Aussie Jeff trying on my wig and Shiloh's super cool sunglasses.
Andrew also in my wig. He looks disturbingly like Fabio crossed with a Chihuaha.
PJ as a reggae dude. I keep forgetting the name of the dude he was.
Hmmm, yeah, this is me in the super cool glasses and the elementary school hat. I think I belong in The Village People...
Cheerleader Ryan eyeing off the pineapple. He spent the night bending over or spreading his legs. Lovely sight....
This is what Jeff really looks like. He came with all of his clothes inside out.... I wonder what he did with his underwear....
And finally, here is Super Pink Girl! There are a few people I didn't take a photo of because my phone ran out of batteries. (Yes, I have taken to photographing on my phone now)

Also, thanks for the comments! Winnie is sooo cute! It will be fun to see her again because she must have changed a lot! I'm also missing you very much Monique, and I hope that you enjoyed staying at my place. Cathy, they don't have rasberry here! I have also missed it!!!! Aunty Lyn and Uncle Ron, I hope your trip around Victoria was nice (apart from all the smoke!). Happy belated birthday Ann! Thanks for the advice about the Deakin position Hamish, but it doesn't pay!

Okie Dokey, love you all! C U l8R allig8R

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

OK, my big news: I'm pregnant

Nah, kidding.... Just letting all people who read this know that I am leaving Japan for good in July this year. Hmmm, somehow I need to get through all that chicken soup really quickly.....

Going from here (Photos from Tokyo in July last year):

To this:

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Hi Guys!

Well the weather has gotten colder again. Thankfully, I have chicken soup to get me through it! (I got through at least 2 cups everyday!) It's apparently going to snow on Monday or Tuesday. Hooray....... I hope it's pretty snow.

Anyway, I haven't really done anything out of the ordinary this week/weekend... I went to a Mexican restaurant in Gifu city on Friday night. The food was amazing. It was so fresh and hot! It took ages to cook though. After that we headed over to James' place to drink and catch up with everyone.Today I headed over to Nagoya to do a spot of shopping. I got my hair cut. They took about 10 or 15 centimetres off. It's healthy but short now! And I didn't end up with a Japanese mullet... Many of the girls who come to Japan worry that they will end up with a Japanese style. Don't worry! Just go to Toni and Guy! They are fabulous!

Hmm, I don't have any other pics to post up. I did realise that I never posted up photos of the going away party! So here are the photos! (Tomorrow will mark the 6 month mark for me! Gosh how time flies....) And if you don't think I'm in the photos, I'm the blonde with culry hair....

And here is the last time I saw the family and friends. It seems as though it were yesterday! I was so stressed.......

Oh yeah, another milestone achieved... on 14th January, I turned 200,000 hours! Yay!!!!

Also, I have some pictures up of the Seino Summer Workshop. It was one of the first things I did when I got to Japan. It was a two day workshop, and PJ and I held the mask-making workshop. The students either made halloween masks or aboriginal masks. Check it out here