Thursday, July 20, 2006

Last Post From Japan

Today is a day of "lasts".... It is the last Thursdsay in Japan. I had the last class ever today. Had the last plastic bottle collection. And so on.... Also, my internet connection has been cancelled. I'm bumming wireless off someone around here.... thanks, whoever you are...

Things are all winding up now, and it's going to fast! I'm sad and happy all at the same time. So yeah, on Tuesday I'm going to head to Nagoya for my final two nights. Then on Thursday I will be flying out to arrive bright and early on Friday morning.

Can't wait to see everybody!!!!!!



Saturday, July 08, 2006

13 Days To Go....

Hello to the two readers of my blog! Well this post is more for my personal reasons, but feel free to read it! Inspired by another JET, I have decided to list the things I will miss and the things I will not miss about Japan. Keep checking out this post because I will be adding things to it as I think of them.

Things I will miss:
- Riding a bike that has a granny basket, and not looking like a dork
- The nice old lady down the street from my school that sells yummy waffles
- The cool teachers and students
- Friends I have made here
- Chu-hi (the best lolly water alcohol, and it is so cheap)
- The opportunity to use my Japanese skills
- The funny mailman that cacks himself laughing to himself after he delivers mail to me. (He does this all the way down the stairs and I can hear him through my door)
- Engrish
- Yakiniku (where you barbecue thin slices of meat at your table)
- Dinner with Maki, Kazuki and PJ
- Megan (although she is stalking me back to Melbourne)
- The flushing noise button on the toilets (they don't like peeing sounds to be audible) - I like to push buttons
- Festivals

Things I will not miss:
- Missing my friends and family
- Snow
- Doctors and crazy prescriptions
- The concrete jungleness of Ogaki (although someone told me that Ogaki is one of the nicest cities in Japan)
- Heirarchy
- Not being able to buy clothes
- Customer service on the phone in Japanese - they talk too fast!
- Humidity

OK, that's it for now. I will definitely update later. There are soooo many things!