Monday, May 22, 2006


Yeah, I'm slack! I've been in Japan for 10 months now, and not once have I put up any Engrish! I'm surrounded by it all the time, but I don't really seem to take much notice anymore! I'll try harder for the next couple of months. In the meantime, here are a couple..."The taste contains its own mystery. Taste it to find out".... Hmmm, my bets are on this thing having bean paste in it. But of course, it would be mysterious bean paste...This was on a door to a little cable car we went on in the earlier months of my stay in Japan. I didn't realise that your face is so important!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Yeah yeah, so it's blonde and short...

Well it took a while to build up the courage to show you what I look like now... and I have nothing else interesting to write about... What do you think? My students don't like it! Well, they don't say that, they just say that they like the brunette better... This photo is funny, I can really see a mix of Mum and Dad in it!I suppose I have some other photos to show... Last Tuesday the school has a Sports Day! We all played a tournament of volleyball! But the photos are taking an eternity to load, and I have to go and sleep. I'll try and put them up soonish!

Friday, May 12, 2006

How 'bout them melons?

Like my melons? Breast enhancement surgery would be cheaper! (for one rockmelon, you're going to have to foot $34.91!!!!!)You would certainly appreciate it! By the way, I read the Japanese written under it, and apparently they are called "Arse Melons".....

Sunday, May 07, 2006

What Talent!

So I have to brag.... my friend is a cover girl! Selen Saya was in The Age today, showing off her excellent design work. If you haven't got a copy of today's Age (Sunday 7th May), go out and get one! Check out the Domain section, and Selen has stolen the show! I'm soooooo proud of her, and she is definitely going to go places!And here is the article! The portrait of Selen is so pretty! Can you take my photo?! I'm so proud! And under her picture is her cool storage thingo (They call it a storage piece). I looooove this thing soooo much. No wonder it is called a Chocolate Storage Piece! I asked Selen to make me one, and she said that it was sooo much effort and money to make that she can't! Somehow I will convince her.... and if she does make me one, it will be made out of real chocolate!And here's the part about her. She's on the cusp of international success! Did I mention that she is my friend? So I expect that when she's out designing her award winning pieces and jetsetting around, she will give me a few discounts! Hahahahaha. I'm soooo proud!So that's my big news! Oh wait, there's more..... a HUGE congratulations to Ash and Kerri who gave birth to Zack Ashley Harding on May 2nd. I wish you all of the best, and I cannot wait to see him in his cute 3rd month! It's good to hear that Zack, Kerri and Ash are all doing fine!

Oh yeah, another bit of news... I have short blonde hair now.... I gotta get used to it!

Cya!Can you pick which house is mine? Hint: There is a car out the front (I miss pumpkin!)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I got a makeover...

I have done next to nothing this week. It's Golden Week (which means three public holidays in a row right before a weekend), and I have done nothing too exciting. I must be soooo boring hey! It's been good though, I sometimes enjoy doing nothing! However, the people who read this blog must think that I have disappeared or something. So, here I am. I decided to give myself a bit of a makeover today.... (sorry, I have no interesting photos to show!)Aren't I sooooo pretty!?