Sunday, October 16, 2005

Speech Contest

Well today was the end of a lot of preparation and stress. Two of my first year students (equivalent to year 10) took part in the 30th Lions Club Inter-High School Oratorical Contest. They had to make a speech in English, the topic being "My Dream". My students were really sweet and they were easy to train. They would take on anything I advised them to do (gotta love that!)

On the left is Kaoru. She spoke about her dream to become a school counselor. It was a story which I could relate to a lot because it was about how she had become alienated at her old high school and had to change schools. She turned out stronger and she is a really sweet girl. The girl on the right is Nozomi. She spoke about her dream to work in foreign countries helping out societies which had been affected by war. I'd say it was a very relevant speech, and she was an absolute laugh. She was a really cool girl.

Of 27 students which participated, Nozomi scored 5th place and Kaoru scored 2nd place. They were excellent. They sounded very fluent, had clear voices and had good intonation. As a result, they each won a certificate, trophy and a trip overseas to wherever they want to go. I reckon it is a pretty sweet deal!

My school, Ogaki Higashi SHS, ended up scoring first place overall against 17 other schools. It is the first time the Ogaki Higashi has won the award, so I suppose my supervisor will give me a bit of credit for that (HOPEFULLY!?!). And no, we didn't win any overseas trips or anything. We got this massive flag. I don't know what will happen with it, but I think it will be paraded at the next school assembly. The teacher on the left is Ono-sensei, and on the left is Ohashi-sensei. They were extremely proud of the students too!


At 7:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne from your computer illiterate aunt, maybe you will receive this message this time, I hope so! We have enjoyed your adventures so far, keep up the good work. Love from Ron and Lyn (and Kimberly who is staying for a few days).

At 8:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Suzanne and great updates!

Love from your computer literate brother.


At 8:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Suzanne, I am a little slow off the mark. Dad just forwarded me your blog address so I have been catching up on all the goss. Love the apartment the toilet looks great fun I am showing the other Interior Designers about it they think it looks very creative. The bath idea looks a bit difficult to wash hair but I guess all part of the adventure.

At 5:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well. This is just fine! To think that all that expensive education is being put to good use ... It's great isn't it. Now, all we've got to do is get you to design and implement the client interface and get your students to build the "english language" version of the Suzanne C autobiography ... on the web ... with animation ... and using open source systems.

Now you know what students are like! Arf Arf!!

At 3:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I will be the frist one to say something relevant to the topic.
We are so proud of you and Kaoru and Nozomi.I was so excited that last week I posted a parcel with a little gift (koala) and a letter of congratulations to both of your students. What country are they going to visit?


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